Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Digital exploration is a new field of communication and creation in architecture. Descriptive ways of compositing and de-compositing digital picture by the combination and usage of different applications, in 2D and 3D real or virtual spaces, provide new possibilities in compositional level of architectural work. Within the introduction of new technologies and the increasing distribution of internet in all scientific and professional fields, the digital presentations extend the way that the ideas are transported, completed and distributed.

Aim of the course is to investigate and discover methods of analysis and representation which clarify the architectural work and the concept. New technological analyses support complex building programs and drawings, facilitate their evaluation, while, extends and strengths in level of composition the student work. The course also introduces basic concepts –functions of virtual space such as, primary movements of characters and objects, rendering methods, motion dynamics, hierarchical animation, inverse kinematics e.t.c.. as well as the creation of virtual and real spaces within a web-based environment through 2D and 3D depiction of organisation of information.
